Rachel Bredl-Hryndej, NCTM, LMT WI Lic 4142-146
AAS Degree in Clinical Massage Therapy from Saint Paul College; St. Paul, MN, graduated May 2006
National Certification in Therapeutic Massage April 2006 Certification number 508758-06
Kinesio Taping 1 & 2 training through the 28th Symposium on Intervention for Persons with Special Needs Feb 2008
National Exercise Trainers Association Certifications in Pilates, Exercise for Knee and Hip Replacement, Exercise and Arthritis, Shoulder Girdle Stabilization, Prental & Postpartum Exercise Design, Breast Cancer Recovery Exercise Program, Exercise and Fibromyalgia 2009-2010
PiYo Instructor Training through Turbokick Oct 2011
Aroma Touch Technique Certification Sept 2014
Craniosacral 1 through the Upledger Institute June 2016
Craniosacral 2 through the Upledger Institute March 2017
I grew up in Stratford on a dairy farm. Found my love of healing through touch as a child and finally pursued massage therapy as a career my 5th and 6th years of college. Child of God, mother of Masyn,Emerie, Bella and Brayden, wife to Stephen, and knitter.