RELIEF! Soft Tissue Therapies

Massage therapy specializing in chronic pain management & injury rehab

HOCATT Platinum Benefits


Transdermal Ozone

The use of ozone in the HOCATT provides many benefits and works in concert with the other HOCATT technologies to facilitate the best strategy for optimal wellness and vitality.  Ozone in the HOCATT can be both topical and systemic, and it's uptake is enhanced by the Carbonic Acid and Hyperthermia technologies.  Experts say the HOCATT's combination provides the greatest, fastest and easiest form of detox available! 

Ozone is known to:

* Inactivate viruses, bacteria, yeast, fungi, parasites and protozoa

*Stimulate the Immune System & speed healing

*Clean arteries and veins, improving circulation

*Oxidize toxins, facilitating their excretion

*Normalize hormone and enzyme production

*Reduce inflammation

*Reduce pain, calm nerves

*Improve brain function and memory

*Scavenge free radicals

*Dissolution of malignant tumors

*Activate the Immune System

CO2/Carbonic Acid is known to:

*Increase blood flow throughout the entire body

*Enhance oxygen delivery at cellular level, flushes the skin temporarily to healthy pink color.

*Stimulates warmth receptors in the skin, inhibits cols receptors

*Reconstructs functionally closed capillaries

*Decreases blood pressure

*Naturally sedates and calms the central nervous system

*Reduces stress, relaxes the muscles and the mind

*Natural anti-inflammatory compound

*A fat dissolving compound

Pure Oxygen Breathing (with passive exercise) is known to:

*Enables the body to work peak performance while building endurance and speed

*Increase in oxygen is the key to reducing the stress your body is under

*An increase in oxygen slows the aging process

*Building an oxygen rich environment wards off illness and disease

*Enables people who have not been able to exercise at their desired performance level to do so

*Reduces pain

*Increased strength and increase in energy levels

*Burn up to 30 more calories

*Restores lung function and Oabsorption 

*Improves focus and ocular issues

*Reduces edema in capillary cells

*Improves circulation disorders, especially in the lower extremities

*Reduces hypertension

Far Infrared is known to:  

*Increases blood circulation and oxygen supply to damaged tissues

*Alleviate Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

*Neutralizes blood toxicity and the walls of arteries, capillaries and veins are smoothed

*Hypertension, osteoarthritis, headaches and digestive issues are improved

*Seven times more effective at detoxifying heavy metals, and even environmental toxins, as opposed to conventional   heat or steam saunas

*Improved symptoms for fibrocystic breast disease, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and much more

Whole Body Hyperthermia is known to:

*Inhibit tumor growth

*Increase the oxygen, nutrient, hormone and enzyme supply to the affected areas

*White blood cells increase in volume and activity, increasing the body's immune efficiency

*Everything in the body works faster when the body has a high body temperature, including producing more hormones and enzymes

*Elevates mitochondrial function

*Decrease muscular contracture and relieve tension and pain

*Increase metabolism

*Speed the disposal of lactic acid and facilitate faster recovery after exercise

*Improves mental clarity

Essential Oil Infusions are known to:

*Improve the quality of life

*Help eliminate toxins

*Reduce stress, anxiety levels

*Increase quality of sleep

*Improve blood pressure

*Reduce pain

*Enhancement of energy

*Improve short-term memory

*Prevent hair loss

*Reduce eczema-induced itching

LED Light & Colors are known to:

*Violet calms fears and anxiety; helps relieve insomnia; it has a sedation effect on the nervous system

*Indigo has positive effects for the eyes, ears, nose; fights infection and inflammation; good for cuts and burns; benefits the throat

*Green is for the relief of headaches, ulcers, colds, flu and heart ailments

*Yellow enhances mental concentration; aids in relief of indigestion, heartburn and constipation; affects liver and intestines

*Orange is for asthma and bronchitis-the entire respiratory system

*Red stimulates circulation of blood and flow of adrenaline; increases energy; the blood and reproductive system react to red

Frequency Specific Microcurrents are known to:


*Anti-inflammatory influence on blood flow and lymph transport

*Edema reduction

*Acceleration of regeneration 

*Activation of metabolism through temporary cAMP formation

Athletic Performance Benefits

*Enhances performance qualitative and quantitative 

*Prolongs a career (prevention and preservation)

*Produces higher endurance and stamina

*Reduces physical and emotional stress

*Reduces muscle spasms and pain

*Strengthens and rebuilds musculoskeletal system

*Higher energy production

*Breaks down lactic acid in muscles, excess adrenaline in the muscles

*Protects the skin against the sun's impact and prevents skin cancer

*Enhances great skin tone and helps prevent stretch marks

*Prevents varicose veins in athletes

*Reduces swelling and inflammation in injuries

*Strengthens joints and muscles

Anti-Aging/Detox/Wellness Benefits

*Improves chronic digestive issues

*Improves impaired liver function

*Improves chronic headaches

*Improves ongoing skin conditions

*Improves stiff, aching joints and muscles

*Improves respiratory difficulties

*Improves allergies

*Improves low energy and fatigue



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